U.S.-based company

Specializing in

We are an international commodity manufacturing and exporting corporation located in Houston, Texas, USA. We specialize in agricultural products produced in North America, including soybean, corn, wheat, and cotton. Agricultural and sideline products include pork, beef, chicken, etc.

We Provide What

You Need from USA

Our customers mainly come from countries and regions ,such as South Korea, China, Japan, India, Vietnam, and Taiwan. Besides the above products, we also provide consultation, support international sales, and coordinate storage as well as international shipping. We strive to provide customers with products and professional services.


Our Mission

Our mission is to provide reliable and high-quality services to customers around the world to meet their needs. We innovate and improve transportation solutions, providing customers with high-quality products. We are working hard to become the industry-leading company in our markets and pay back to our community.


Our Vision

As an international platform of trading and cooperation, Genuine Resources is committed to fulfilling our mission, and work with our partners and helping their growth, with the ultimate goal of a sustainable future for our globe.


Our Task

We are committed to providing you with high-quality American agricultural products and providing you with a full range of logistics solutions.


Our Services

We combine excellent professional services with customer needs, and believe in the simple, efficient and customer-first philosophy to create extraordinary market performance for our customers.

Our Advantages

Assets & Operations

Our assets and operations in the U.S. are able to provide logistics solutions utilizing all modes of transportation. Through truck, rail, barge, and vessel, our teams are able to deliver grain from origin to locations across the United States, connecting American farmers to domestic markets. At the same time, we deliver high-quality agricultural products to end-users around the world.
Our Product Sales

and Partners

Our wide range of products is available nationwide, with sales focus areas including Ohio, northern Illinois, northeastern Missouri, northwestern Missouri, eastern Nebraska, Iowa, southern Minnesota, southern Wisconsin, and Texas.

With our in-depth knowledge of grain transportation and access to a variety of markets, we are able to work extensively with farmers, and many producers who participate in our Premium Grain Program also receive additional premiums. These tools range from basic cash contracts to innovative pricing alternatives to maximize efficiency in selling products around the world to meet farmers' risk management needs in today's volatile markets.